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Inherits: IV4Router, BaseActionsRouter, DeltaResolver

Abstract contract that contains all internal logic needed for routing through Uniswap V4 pools

the entry point to executing actions in this contract is calling BaseActionsRouter._executeActions An inheriting contract should call _executeActions at the point that they wish actions to be executed



constructor(IPoolManager _poolManager) BaseActionsRouter(_poolManager);


function _handleAction(uint256 action, bytes calldata params) internal override;


function _swapExactInputSingle(IV4Router.ExactInputSingleParams calldata params) private;


function _swapExactInput(IV4Router.ExactInputParams calldata params) private;


function _swapExactOutputSingle(IV4Router.ExactOutputSingleParams calldata params) private;


function _swapExactOutput(IV4Router.ExactOutputParams calldata params) private;


function _swap(
PoolKey memory poolKey,
bool zeroForOne,
int256 amountSpecified,
uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96,
bytes calldata hookData
) private returns (int128 reciprocalAmount);